• The Anglican Route to Net Zero

    The Anglican Route to Net Zero By Helen Stephens, Head of Church Relations Earlier this month, the Church of England’s General Synod approved a Routemap to Net Zero by 2030 as proposed by the CoE Environmental Working Group. By mid-July an unprecedented European heatwave, during which UK temperatures exceeded 40 degrees centigrade for the first time, only underscored the urgency of all sectors of society, and government, to act on climate change. The Church’s target and Routemap are ambitious and rightly so – we are, after all, ... Read more...

  • Looking after wildlife in the heat

    Looking after wildlife in the heat by Andy Lester, A Rocha UK’s Head of Conservation We are living through one of the driest and hottest spells in UK history. While it will be shortly coming to an end, the reality is we will have many more extreme-weather periods in the months and years ahead due to climate change. So while there is a real danger to wildlife in times of drought and dryness (Ezekiel 15), it can also be a chance for us to make sure life ... Read more...